How to Configure Keyword Alerts Plugin

How to Configure Keyword Alerts Plugin

About Keyword Alerts

With the Keyword Alerts, you can set up notifications when a product or platform is being discussed to ensure that discussions and questions are answered by your SMEs. Simply set up a keyword alert and the SME you specify will automatically receive an email with the keyword and link to the discussion, so they do not miss a thing. 


Key Features include:

  • List keyword(s) that you can create alerts for.

  • You can add, modify, or remove keywords from the plugin at any time. 

  • The plugin allows for many alerts to be set up per community and individuals

  • Email address for the alert recipient(s) associated with each keyword. 

  • Custom email template that you can customize with your own language and organization's branding 

For example, you could set up an alert for the keyword "GDPR Regulations" and have the notification sent to the email addresses gdprsupport@mycompany.com and/or john@mycompany.com. In this example, if the phrase "GDPR Regulation" is mentioned in a discussion, the SME is immediately sent an email and can respond and/or add additional detail as needed.

Configuration instruction Plugin Installation Instructions

  1. Go to the homepage of your instance

  2. Choose the pencil on the top right corner

    Click on the Pencil Icon in the Top Left
  3. Chose the “Administration” button

    Administration Menu Option


  4. Type “interceptor” in the search bar to find the plugin

    Search for Interceptor


  5. Choose the “Forum Create Interceptor Plugin” button to go to the email template

    Scroll Down and Select Forum Create Interceptor Plugin


  6. Check the box “Enabled,” Type the same Email address you have in Site>Email Options in the “From Email” and click “Save”

    Click Enabled


  7. Choose “Templates”  Tab

    Select the Templates Tab
  8. Press “Forum interceptor email template for notifications” section

    Select Forum interceptor email template for notifications


  9. In the RTE edit the email template

    Edit the Layout of the Notification as Needed


  10. Press the “Save” button to save your changes


    Press Save

Create Keyword Rules

  1. Navigate to the Administration Console

  2. Select the Pencil in the top left corner of the screen

    Click the Pencil Icon
  3. Select Administration

  4. Search for Keywords

    Click in the Top Left to Search the Administration Panel


  5. Select the Keywords Rule

    Select Forum Create Interceptor Plugin Rules


  6. Switch on the “interceptor” plugin

    Click to Enable the Keyword Alerts Plugin


  7. Press the “Save” button to save your changes

    Press Save


  8. Press the “+Rule” button to add the rule

    Click to Add a New Rule


  9. Fill all fields

    Adding a New Keyword Alert

    Description of the fields and control elements

    Structure of a New Automation Rule


  10. When fields were filled press the purple "Save" button AND the blue “Save” button

    Press Save

Import the Roles from a CSV File (Optional)

  1. For importing the roles from the “.csv” file press the “Choose file” button(optional)

    Select to Choose a File


  2. Choose csv file 

    Open a File


  3. Press “Send” button – Here is the view of the CSV file which was uploaded:

    Example Uploaded File Format
  4. Refresh the page (press button on the keyboard)

    F5 Button on Keyboard


  5. Click the “Save” button

Click Save

To Test Rules

  1. Navigate to any group

  2. Create a piece of content, reply, or comment

  3. Use a keyword you have a rule for

  4. Check your email for the Keyword Email that was used



Need support or want to talk to us?  Please send an email to:


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