How to use Gamification Automation Bundle

How to use Gamification Automation Bundle

About The Gamification Automation Bundle

Looking to include gamification within your community? Look no further! With the Gamification Automation Bundle administrators can now easily set up multiple types of automations rules to automatically award users for various actions throughout the community. Whether it be points or an achievement and associated badge - these automations can be configured to support your community needs.


Key features: 

  1. Easy to configure and apply 

  2. Multiple different automated achievements and points to choose from

Gamification 101

What is Gamification? 

Gamification is made up of Achievements and Points. The achievements and points are automatically added to the member when they accomplish certain tasks in the community. Things like creating content, answering questions, liking content, rating content, etc.


What are Achievements? How Are They Managed?

Achievements are gifted to member(s) of a community upon completion of certain tasks. Achievements are made up of points - if configured to also award points with an achievement. Badges are the image associated with an achievement and are shown within certain areas in the community (as highlighted below). Achievements are managed within the administration panel of a community (Admin → Membership→ Achievements).


What are Badges? How Are They Managed? 

Badges are the image associated with an achievement - badges are displayed within a community indicating an achievement. Badges are received when an automation runs that awards a badge. Badges are managed within a specific achievement configuration. 


Where do Badges Appear in the community? 

Badges can display in the following areas within a community: 



Profile Page


User Hover


Pages Where you Have the User Achievement Widget Configured




What are Points? How Are They Managed? 

Points are received when a user does things around the community, like answering questions, liking content, creating content, etc. As mentioned above, points can be automated to be awarded with an achievement as well. 


Where do Points Appear in the community? 

Points appear within the following areas within a community: 



Profile Page

User Hover

Pages Where you Have the User Points Widget Configured


What is Included in the Gamification Bundle? 

Profile Avatar Champion

This achievement is awarded with an associated badge the first time a user updates their profile avatar. The Achievement is awarded when an avatar update is triggered for the user. There is no configuration required for this automation.


Quick On Your Feet - Achievement & Badge

Be the first (Company name) employee to answer a question with 0 replies in under 48 hours. Earn the Quick on Your Feet badge and 150 points.

This feature includes the provision of both a badge and points.  Because Verint breaks down Achievement and Points automations separately, this section only details the Achievement automation.  The Points automation for this feature is documented below.

This Achievement awards a badge to a user if all of the following are true:

  1. The user is in a specified Role, in order to emulate the “employee” requirement

  2. They have posted the first reply to a Forum Thread of type Question

  3. They have responded within a specified number of hours

  4. The user making the reply is not also the author of the Forum Thread

  5. They have never received this Achievement before, which is a limitation of Verint Achievements

Configuration Options:

  • Role

  • Max Hours to Respond


Quick On Your Feet - Points

Be the first (Company name) employee to answer a question with 0 replies in under 48 hours. Earn the Speedy badge and 150 points.

This feature includes the provision of both a badge and points.  Because Verint breaks down Achievement and Points automations separately, this section only details the Points automation.  The Achievement automation for this feature is documented above.

These Points are awarded to a user if all of the following are true:

  1. The user is in a specified Role, in order to emulate the “employee” requirement

  2. They have posted the first reply to a Forum Thread of type Question

  3. They have responded within a specified number of hours

  4. The user making the reply is not also the author of the Forum Thread

Configuration Options:

  • Role

  • Max Hours to Respond


Verified Champion

This automation will award an achievement and associated badge for users who answer forums and have x amount of verified forum replies.

Configuration Options:

  • Number of Verified Answers


Content Champion - Community 

For every x piece of content created by a user in a community or specific group - that user (author) receives an achievement, badge, and points if wanted. 

Configuration Options:

  • Count of Content Items

  • Points to Assign

  • Group (if applicable)


Verified Guru

If a user replies to x amount of questions and x amount of replies are verified in a specific group the author of the replies will be awarded an achievement, associated badge, and points if wanted.

Configuration Options:

  • Group

  • Count of Replies

  • Count of Verified Answers

  • Points to Assign


Idea Advocate

If a user upvotes/downvotes x amount of ideas - they will receive an achievement, associated badge, and points if wanted.

Because Verint doesn’t associate the Achievement with the points being awarded, if the Achievement is revoked by an administrator, the points would need to be manually removed as a second step.

Configuration Options:

  • Count of Votes

  • Points to Assign


Share My Likes

If a user likes x amount of content items they would receive an achievement, associated badge, and points if wanted.

Because Verint doesn’t associate the Achievement with the points being awarded, if the Achievement is revoked by an administrator, the points would need to be manually removed as a second step.

Configuration Options:

  • Count of Likes

  • Points to Assign


Rating Champion

If a user rates x amount of content items they would receive an achievement, associated badge, and points if wanted.

Because Verint doesn’t associate the Achievement with the points being awarded, if the Achievement is revoked by an administrator, the points would need to be manually removed as a second step.

Configuration Options:

  • Count of Ratings

  • Points to Assign


Bookmarking Advocate

If a user bookmarks x amount of items they will receive an achievement, associated badge, and points if wanted.

Because Verint doesn’t associate the Achievement with the points being awarded, if the Achievement is revoked by an administrator, the points would need to be manually removed as a second step.

Configuration Options:

  • Count of Bookmarks

  • Points to Assign


Likable Sensation

If a user receives x amount of likes on a piece of content they would receive an achievement, associated badge, and points if wanted.

Because Verint doesn’t associate the Achievement with the points being awarded, if the Achievement is revoked by an administrator, the points would need to be manually removed as a second step. 

Configuration Options:

  • Count of Likes

  • Points to Assign


Part of the Game

This achievement is awarded with a badge for a first-time user who responds to a piece of content.

Setting Up a New Automation

Navigate to the Administration Console

Select the Pencil in the top left corner of the screen

Select Administration

Click on membership

Navigate to Achievements or Points

Select Add Achievement to add your achievement - please navigate to the points area and click add 


Title - Please enter a title for your automation - this will be shown within the administration studio as well as to users on the front end when they achieve automation.

Criteria - Please enter the criteria for your achievement - essentially this is your achievement description. This will also be shown within the administration panel as well as to users on the front end. 

Badge - Please upload an image to be associated with your achievement - this will be shown to users on the front end when they receive an achievement. 

Enabled - Please make sure this box is checked off if you would like the achievement to be enabled (active/ live).

Award/ Revoke Automation - This is not required - but if you would like your achievement to be automated - which all in this bundle are - you would select the associated achievement automation from the list. 


Award/ Revoke Automation - If you would like these points to be associated with an automated achievement - please select the points automation that is associated with them from the list. 

Points - Enter a number value indicating the number of points to be awarded.

Title - Please enter a title for your points achievement 

Description - Please enter an applicable description for your points achievement.

Enabled - Please ensure this box is checked if you would like these points to be enabled (live/active).

Edit an Existing Automation

Navigate to the Administration Console

Select the Pencil in the top left corner of the screen

Select Administration

Click on membership

Navigate to Achievements or Points

Select the automation and/or associated points to be edited and click edit

Please go through and make all applicable changes to your achievement and associated points if needed and then click save. 

Delete an Existing Automation

Navigate to the Administration Console

Select the Pencil in the top left corner of the screen

Select Administration

Click on membership

Navigate to Achievements or Points

Select the automation that you would like to delete and click delete. Please make sure to delete any associated points with it if applicable. 

To delete any points please navigate to the points area within the administration panel - select the points to delete and click delete.





Need support or want to talk to us?  Please send an email to:


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