Known Issues - Video Tile

Known Issues - Video Tile

Uploaded Jive Videos on new Aurea Video Service do not display in Tile (JVIDEO-145)

Make sure you have the latest version of our Video Tile version 2.2, which has been updated to work with Aurea’s new video service. See Configure Video Tile

Recently, Aurea announced changes to the underlying hosted Video platform for Cloud Customers, and there was an unexpected change that is preventing any videos uploaded after June 21 from displaying in the tile. 

  • The Jive Video issue above only affects Jive-n Cloud customers at this time. It does not affect Jive-n 9.X Hosted or On-Premise customers, and does not affect Khoros-JX customers.

  • Jive videos uploaded to your cloud site before June 21 should display fine, as long as the Video tile doesn't also include Jive Videos in the gallery that were uploaded after June 21.

If a Video uploaded after June 21 is used in a tile, the video won’t load and appear like below:



If your Video Tile will not play any videos, remove any newly-created videos, so that the Tile only includes external videos or Jive videos uploaded prior to June 21.

Troubleshooting and Opening an Aurea Ticket

Aurea has indicated that this issue will be fixed in the next release 3004.2.1

Until there is a fix, you can report this issue in your Jive community by following these basic steps

  1. Follow the standard steps for uploading a new Video in Jive (create, upload file, add description, choose place, save). When published, identify the URL in a browser, e.g. https://yourcommunity.com/videos/1234

  2. While still on that page, add "/api/v3" to the end of the URL and enter, e.g.  https://yourcommunity.com/videos/1234/api/v3

  3. On that page, look for the word "downloadOptions" and there is a URL next to it, copy that, e.g. https://yourcommunity.com/api/core/v3/videos/downloadOptions/9876543, and open that URL in the browser and look at the page.

If Step 4 shows a System Error or a mainly blank screen (see below), include the URLs in steps 1, 2 & 3 in a new ticket to Aurea


Last updated June 30, 2020