Image Gallery Tile

Current Version 1.0.0

About the Image Gallery Tile

The Image Gallery Tile for Jive is an easy-to-use custom tile that organizes and displays multiple images with details. The configuration options for the Interactive Image Gallery tile are the same as Mosaic, except for the ability to open a dialog with custom parameters (as opposed to just navigating to another Jive content item). 

The core features of the new tile are almost the same as Mosaic. What’s different? When an image is selected, it doesn’t automatically take the user to a piece of content. Instead, a dialog box is opened which displays additional details about the image selected.  The admin can choose to display multiple images via a custom Rich Text Editor, or have the user go to view a detailed content item (similar to Mosaic).

Fully skinnable and adaptable to your brand's style, the tile can be placed on your community's global homepage or any Place landing page.



User Guide

Learn how to set up your tile: