Slider Tile 2.0

Slider Tile 2.0

Current Version: 2.0

Configuring the Slider Tile

What’s new in 2.0: the Configuration panel has been overhauled to include multilanguage/personalization features, custom HTML in header/footer, Google Analytics, and Settings for managing margins. In addition, the Theme has now been separated from the Setup to make it consistent with other tiles.

Installing Your Tile

If you have more than one language available for set up in your tile, choose which language this will be displayed in. The default preference is English. After you’ve configured in one language, if you pick another language, you’ll be asked if you want to display the same posts for the second language (by copying the settings) or “create from scratch”. Refer to Installing Your Tile for more details on the multi-language set up and other set up details.



Slider Tile Configuration


  1. To display the tile’s configuration panel, click the gear icon in the upper right corner of the tile.

  2. You are now ready to configure the appearance of the tile. Note:  You must configure some aspect of the Tile's appearance and save your work before adding it to the Place page.

    Slider Setup
  3. Optional: Enter text for the Slide Title. Slider title text is the dominant, key headline for the slide.

  4. Optional: Enter text for the Action Text. Action text calls the user to action. 

    • For example -  “Sign Up”, “Join Now!”, “Learn More.”

  5. Optional: Enter the Action Button URL that will direct the user to a specific place. Action button URL can be an external link or an internal (Jive) link. To have the link open in a new window, check the appropriate box.

  6. Enter the Slide Image URL for the picture you want to display in the slider (see below for adding images).

  7. When you finish all entries for a slide, click Save Slide.

  8. As needed, Select New Slide and repeat Steps 4 through 8 for each slide required for your user experience.


Save All now before moving on to the next section. Scroll to the bottom of the tile and click the Save All button.

You are not required to save after editing each section, but we recommend you do to avoid accidentally closing the configuration panel without saving. You can click Cancel to cancel all your changes and leave the configuration panel.


Adding Images

  1. To add images to your Slider Tile, you will first need to upload them in the community. Simply click the gear icon in the upper right corner of the place you are working and select Static resources. (Depending on the version of Jive you have, this may say Image Files instead of Static resources)

  2. In the popup, click Upload a File and select the image(s) you want to use in the slider. 

  3. Once you upload your images, copy the URL to your clipboard and paste each URL into a notepad to have handy when working in the Slider configuration panel.


Configuring the Theme

  1. Select Theme to open configuration options. 


  1. Select the Interval time (in seconds) for the slider. Interval time is the time between slide changes. You may choose between 4 to 10 seconds. 

  2. Select the Transition (in seconds). The Transition is the time the image takes to change. You may choose a range between 0.5 and 2 seconds.

  3. Enter the Desktop height (in pixels). Desktop height will scale the slider accordingly in a space or group. 

  4. Enter the Mobile height (in pixels). Mobile height will scale the slider for mobile users. 

  5. Enter the desired hexadecimal code for the Accent color. Accent color affects the background of the Slide text and the color of the Action text. If you don’t know the hexadecimal value, convert your colors at http://rgb.to

  6. Select the Background opacity. This will adjust the opacity behind the text.

  7. Save All now before moving on to the next section. Scroll to the bottom of the tile and click the Save All button.


Configuring the Fonts

Configure HTML


What’s New

  • Icons: Icons have now been updated to FontAwesome 5.

  • Language preferences: Content can now be customized to display personalized content based on user's language (site administrator must set display option for language preferences in the configuration panel).

  • Improvements to layout and usability including: bug fixes with display of images, ability to configure the fonts and colors for the text, custom HTML in header and footer, and accessibility compliance.

Configuring the Navigation Tile

  1. To display the tile’s configuration panel, click the gear icon in the upper right corner of the tile.

  2. You are now ready to configure the appearance of the tile.

    • Note:  You must configure some aspect of the Tile's appearance and save your work before adding it to the Place page.

  3. Select Links in the configuration panel and click on New Section



Note: if you have enabled multilanguage options, then you’ll see a slightly different version of the Links section where you can toggle between language displays as show in this screenshot


  1. Enter text for the

Section Title.

  1. Click

Add Link to begin to add your links.

  1. Choose if you want to link to Jive content within your community or Enter another destination URL

  1. For Jive Content:

  1. Click to Search for your content

  • Note: The visibility of these links is related to your user’s permissions. If a space or linked content from place is not available to the user, that link will be hidden from their personal view. 

  1. For other URLS:

  • This URL will direct the user to a specific page, website, topic, document, etc. inside or outside of the Jive 

10. Check the Open in new window box to have a new browser window open for the end user when they click the link. 

11. Select either a Preset or Custom icon. This icon will display with the link. If no icon is specified for a link the Link title, will be aligned to the left.

12. Type a descriptive term to choose the Preset icon you would like to use. For example, “money” or “Facebook”. You can learn more about Preset icons by clicking on the Icon guide below the drop down menu. 

13. If you are using a Custom icon, enter the URL for the custom icon’s image (see below).

Enter the desired hexadecimal code for the Icon color. If you don’t know the hexadecimal value, convert your colors at http://rgb.to

14. When you finish all Link item entries for a slide, select Save Link.

15. As needed, Select New Link and repeat Steps 5 through 11 for each link required for your user experience.  

Click Save Section when complete, and repeat steps 4-13 to add additional sections.

Save All now before moving on to the next section. Scroll to the bottom of the tile and click the Save All button.


Adding Images

  1. To add custom icon images for the tile, you will first need to upload them in the community. Simply click the gear icon in the upper right corner of the place you are working and select Static resources. If your site is on  Jive Hosted or On Premise (e.g. Jive 9), select Image Files.

  2. Click Upload a File and select the image(s) you want to use in the navigation tile.

    • When using a custom icon, we suggest uploading a 40x40px icon. If your icon is a bit larger, don't worry; it will be resized.

  3. You will need image URLs generated by Jive to add custom icon images to the navigation tile. Once you upload all images, copy the URL to your clipboard and then paste into the custom icon URL field in the slide’s configuration view.


Configuring the Theme




  1. Select your colors for the following components of the tile display:

    • Links

      • normal and hover state

    • Divider

      • color and thickness (pixels)

    • Section title 

  2. Save All now before moving on to the next section. Scroll to the bottom of the tile and click the Save All button.

Configuring the Fonts

Configure Google Analytics

Configure Advanced Settings

Customize Margins. Set extra padding between this tile and other tiles if desired.

Copying your Tile Settings

Best Practices and Tips

Best Practice/Tip

How To…

Static Image URLs

Upload all your images and copy the Jive generated URLs for each uploaded image to a notepad before you begin configuring your slider. You will need to paste these image URLs into the image URL field. (See Section 1.4 above.)

Accent Color

Use darker colors for the accent color to enhance the visual effect of the slider. 



Keep your headlines concise to avoid text cutting off.  


Ask your branding team which Google Font is most similar to your brand font for the easiest font setup.

3 Column Layout

Be mindful when using the slider in the center of a 3-column layout as the width of the slider in that format can become as small as using the tile in a sidebar column. 

Action Links

Make your action link short and actionable like "Learn more", "Find out why", "Start exploring". Avoid text like "click here" or "click this button”.


Need support or want to talk to us?  Please send an email to:


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