Activity Tile Configuration

Activity Tile Configuration

Current Version: 2.1

What’s New

Activity Tile 2.1
Enhancement: As an administrator, add ability to show/hide content type and the place location in the header of each content item in a full width version.

Activity Tile 2.0.4

  • Bug fix: WCAG 2.x - font color in bad contrast and not changeable

  • Bug fix: update to include the Ideas content type in the activity

  • Enhancement: Video Thumbnail to appear in activity feed upon creation of video post

Activity Tile 2.03

  • Content type image in Threaded view doesn't match theme. That has been fixed.

Activity tile 2.0.2

The Activity tile contains several bug fixes after Jive updated their API. In addition, we have several enhancements. 


  • Activity tile is interrupted when various content or places are deleted, or a structured outcome is applied. 

  • Activity tile is not displaying certain content depending on various filters.

  • Ideas sometimes do not appear in the feed and votes appear with the "like" icon instead of an arrow icon.


  • Update the error message text to say "Sorry, the activity feed was interrupted, either by a lack of activity or another error. Please try again later."

  • Fix truncation of the long words for uploaded files.

  • When images are uploaded as File Uploads, display images in the feed.

  • Add support for the"outcome set", "outcome removed" and "moved" activities.

  • Tile should show a "loading" image to indicate loading or content refresh.

Configuring the Activity Tile

Installing Your Tile

  1. To access the tile’s configuration panel for editing in the future, click the gear icon in the upper right corner of the tile.

2. You are now ready to configure the tile.

Configuring the Layout

  1. Select a Layout to begin setup or Add Copied Code from another Activity Tile under Migrate Configuration. 

  2. Choose your layout. There are two different modes or layout options to choose from:

    • List View - displays activity stream in a list view 

    • Masonry View - displays activity stream in a masonry view (Note: You must select a layout before continuing to edit the other components of this tile.)

  3. Once you select a layout all other feature sections display and you are now ready to configure the tile.  (NOTE: If you added copy to the Migrate configuration section you will not need to fill out any of the the sections in the Activity Tile.)

Configuring the Setup

Screenshot below of version prior to version 2.1


Screenshot in version 2.1 - with new menu items options circled. This allows you to control (per tab) whether you show/hide content type icon and the place location in the header of each content item. For design purposes, this only applies to the tile in a full-width version. A narrow column or mobile view will ignore those instructions and display all details per usual.

If you wish to have more display options,  Add a Feed Source: You can pick from the Entire Community, a specific place, this current place, or a specific person. 

  • Add a tab. There is no limit to the number of tabs you can add, however they will collapse to a drop down depending on the number and column size. 

  • Add your Tab title

  • Add your Tab description

    • Note: you can add HTML to the tab description section

    • Note: a large amount of tabs will turn into a drop-down list

  • Select the Feed source. You can select a place in your community from which you want the Activity to display.  Choose from:

    • From a place 

    • Current place (place where you are adding the tile)

    • From a person

    • Entire Community

  • Choose the Number of results to display

  • Select the date format:

    • Relative

    • Absolute

    • No Date

Restrict to content types. Choose from the content types available in Jive to display in the tile. 


Configuring the Theme



  1. Select your desired colors for the tile’s accent background color and link color. We’ve provided a suggested list of gradient colors.  

  2. If you wish to input colors manually, choose the Custom option

  3. There are two views in custom:

    Custom Theme Configuration Menu - Simple

    Theme Configuration Menu - Advanced

  4. Note: You can type the basic colors into each color field. For example, red, blue, green, brown, black, white, yellow, purple, orange. For other colors, you can enter hexadecimal values. If you don’t know the hexadecimal value, convert your colors at http://rgb.to.

Save your changes. Scroll to the bottom of the tile and click the Save All/Settings button. 

Add Custom HTML

Configure Fonts

Google Analytics

Migrate Configuration Settings

Best Practices & Tips

Best Practice/Tip

How To…


Copy all CSS and HTML, including the code in the Migrate Configuration options to a text editor. Save this file locally or to a cloud storage system.  

Change the “External Add-ons label” in the Tile selector

Do you have the Community Manager Tile pack? or a few custom tiles?  Update the label in the Tile selector that says “External Addons” to something that is more meaningful to your community Team such as: Advanced Tiles, New Tiles or Awesome Tiles.  This configuration can be done by an administrator in the Admin console.

Keep it clear

Use clear, brief titles for your Activity so that they appear in the Activity Tile cleanly and don’t overwhelm the user/page. Too many tabs or long titles in tabs will turn into a drop-down list even in the large column.


Need support or want to talk to us?  Please send an email to:
